Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun in the Sun.

Today was such a great day! It started bright and early with a trip to the Upper East Side to attend morning service at Apostles. I was really glad I went, it seems like a great environment, and a place that will really challenge me this summer. I also finally got to meet Derek Devine, a name I have been hearing since I found out about NYC. I also made my first trip in the city alone....and survived! I was so happy, and it was surprisingly easy, however I didn't have to transfer trains, so we will see the day that happens. After church I tried to hurry home as fast as I could, but of course when you need to move the fastest, you get lost. haha I was going west instead of east. Which I later learned that as you go gets smaller, west....gets larger. People coming, take notes. Then I headed to the beach with my new roomies! It was such a nice day...although now I am a red burning hopefully that will quickly change because I cannot show up to work looking ridiculously, although I have a HUGE pimple on my no worries there, looking gross on day one is already covered. dang it, zits in NYC is NOT acceptable, my skin didn't get that memo though. All people reading this....which prob is just me checking it after I post...check out the pictures and see if you see anything certain, I got quite the FULL MOON on the beach today. After leaving the beach we picked up some food and now are back at the apartment, finishing packing, and dreading the day tomorrow. We have alot of stuff to move, however it is going to be good, because we will officially be in our new place! wahhhoooooo! I cannot wait to start work on Tuesday. Bring on the excitement.